Friday, 8 May 2009

Anti-Jeremy Top for Hagatha

My dear friend Hagatha had an operation a fortnight ago and really needs to wear floaty tops for now and probably a few months more. I bought her a top a few weeks ago but MIL insisted that it was me, which was weird as I never wear mauve. Anyway I gave in and tried the top on and I am glad and sad to say that it has become one of my favourites...well you guessed...when I saw Hagatha she shrieked

"I love that top, where d'ya get it? "

All us Doxies just fell about laughing at this and of course I instantly felt guilty and had to fess up! Mind you, she bought me a beautiful zip up jacket at Christmas which never made it under my Christmas Tree, but looks great on her! :o)

Anyway the anti-Jeremy bit is to hide Jeremy ...which is the name her daughter gave to her condition ( yes nous sommes slightly unhinged here but it was nicer than having to use the medical term ). I made one of Rae's tops the other day for myself and it really would be a perfect disguise for Jeremy so I think that is going to be quite high on my list for to-dos. I am not sure how well it will work out taking measurements over the phone though...I guess I could make up a muslin and take it with me when we see her next.


Thursday, 7 May 2009

Ruffled Tote bag

Weekend Designer has the most gorgeous bag on her site ( I am assuming the author is a she , I read the profile and it doesn't say). Check it out here . Be sure to also check the archives on that site, there is some great stuff to inspire you.

I'm sure we all know a girly that would have a fit of frilly vapours if they received something like that as a gift!! That's if you could ever bring yourself to give it away. :o)

Ohhhh I wish I lived right next to a fabric shop AND it was open late, I want to make one NOW!

Doxie ( off to rumage through my fabric stash )

Emery Board Keepers

I have made a few for myself, they are such a good idea...they stop things from getting scratched up AND you can find them easily in your bag. I am sure friends would appreciate one as a little token gift. :o) I plan to make half a dozen tonight to put in my "gifts in waiting" basket.

You can find instructions on this site, but you don't really need a pattern a such.


First post

Just checking out the new layout